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Join Our Community

Join other like-minded families on a journey to give their kids the skills they need for the real world

Join other like-minded families on a journey to give their kids the skills they need for the real world


What We Help With

Firm Foundations

Create a value system in the home, help your kids to create value in the world, and create a last name that means something

Strong Relationships

Create a deeper connection with your spouse and your kids that last a lifetime

Money Skills

Learn from the world’s best in helping your kids understand money and the skills required for success

Firm Foundations

Create a value system in the home, help your kids to create value in the world, and create a last name that means something

Strong Relationships

Create a deeper connection with your spouse and your kids that last a lifetime

Money Skills

Learn from the world’s best in helping your kids understand money and the skills required for success

Ready to get started?


Community, courses and coaching all in one simple app with easy access.

DAILY ACTIVITies for families

Looking things to do with your family that teach money sills and value creation? Look no further!

Courses for families

Our Dinner Table Family members get access to free content like our Dinner Table Family Economy System that sets a firm foundation for money skills at home.

Weekly contests

Have amazing ideas you'd like to share with our community? We love rewarding active families with weekly contests!


Community, courses and coaching all in one simple app with easy access.

DAILY ACTIVITies for families

Looking things to do with your family that teach money sills and value creation? Look no further!

Courses for families

Our Dinner Table Family members get access to free content like our Dinner Table Family Economy System that sets a firm foundation for money skills at home.

Weekly contests

Have amazing ideas you'd like to share with our community? We love rewarding active families with weekly contests!


What others parents are saying

"Loved everything so far"

The Family Accelerator Program from Dinner Table has truly transformed our family dynamics. The strategies we learned have helped us to establish a value system at home that has not only empowered our kids but also deepened our connection as a family.

  • - Sophia

"My life changed forever"

Dinner Table's Family Accelerator Program is a game-changer! It has provided us with practical skills to teach our children about money and responsibility.

- Mike

"Highly recommend this"

The section on Money Skills is a standout, providing comprehensive knowledge on how to Earn, Save, Spend, Share, Invest, Protect and Borrow. Our children are now more responsible, taking initiative to contribute around the house.

- Ava